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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 09842637"

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UtSt- Appln~.- No— 0 9/842^63-7 — 

(b) fc trea ting ^ the resulting stationary phase culture 
with at least \phe antibiotT^) at a concentration and for a time 

sufficient to 

bacteria) and selecting 

phenotypically antibiotic -resistant subpopulation; 

(ii) incubating a sample of said phenotypically antibiotic 
resistant subpopu\tion with at least^one test^ compound or 
agent ; and 

(iii) assessing wiy antibacterial effects against said 
phenotypically antibiotic resistant subpopulation; and 

(iv) isolating a compound or agent exhibiting antibacterial 

Claim 10. (Amended) The \ method according to claim 9, 
further comprising the step o%^ the identified agent 

or compound. W— - ^ 


On page 2 of the Office Action, the Examiner issues a 
Restriction Requirement under 35 U.S.C. § 121 to one of the 
inventions of the following groups: 

Group I 

Group I I 
Group III 

Claims 1-7, . drawn ,to a method of 
preparing _ antibiotic resistant 

Claim 8, drawn to antibiotic resistant 

Claim 9, drawn to a process for 
assessing antibacterial activity of a 
test compound; 

3 - 

U.S.— Appln.— No. —09/84 2,6 37—— — — ~ — 

Group IV - Claim 10, drawn to a process of making 
an antibacterial agent by 


Group V - Claim 11, drawn to an antibacterial 
agent against stationary phase 
; bacteria; 

Group VI - Claims 12-15 and 19, drawn to a 

chemical compound and compositions 
thereof having antibacterial activity 
against antibiotic resistant bacteria; 

Group VII - Claims 16-18, drawn to a method of 
using an antibacterial agent. 

The Examiner contends that restriction as between Groups I 
and II is proper, since the product of Group II can be made by a 
materially different process than recited in Group I, e.g., by 
isolation of bacteria from hospital patients having nosocomial 
infections . 

Further, the Examiner states that restriction is proper 
with respect to Groups II and III, since . the product of Group II 
can be used in a materially different process than Group III, 
e.g. , in a process for obtaining antibodies, or as a host cell 
in a process involving the use of recombinant DNA or for the 
production of single cell protein for nutritional 

Moreover, the Examiner states that restriction is proper 
with respect to Group IV/V and VII because the product of 
Groups V and VI can be used in a materially different process 

-UtS-— Appln— No v- 09/8 42 ,-637— _ — — 

than Group VII, e.g., as a growth promoter in cattle or as a 
fungicide or insecticide. 

In addition, the Examiner states that restriction is proper 
with respect to Groups IV and .V, since the product of Group V 
can be made by a materially different process than recited in 
Group IV, e.g., by chemical synthesis or by fermentation with a 
suitable microorganism. 

Accordingly, Applicants . hereby elect the invention of 
Group III, i.e., Claim 9 without traverse and without prejudice 
to pursue any of the non-elected claims, which are hereby 
cancelled, in a Divisional Application (s) . 

The Examiner is invited to contact the undersigned at his 
Washington telephone number on any ques^iQns which might arise. 


2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20037-3202 
Te 1 ephone : (202) 293-7060 
Facsimile: (202) 293-7860 

Date: July 25, 2002 

_ A-P-P~E-N-D-I -X — _ 

Marked-up Version of Amended Application 


Claims 1, 8 and 11-19 are being cancelled. 
The claims are amended as follows: 

Claim 2 . (Amended) [A] The method as claimed in 
claim [1] 9j_ wherein said [antibacterial agent] antibiotic is 
selected from the group consisting of [ : ] rifampicin, kanamycin, 
ampicillin and pyrazinamide . 

Claim 3 . (Twice Amended) [A] The method as claimed in 

claim; [1] 9, wherein said [antibacterial agent] antibiotic is 
used at a concentration of 25 to 150/xg/ml with bacteria present 
at a concentration of 10 5 to 10 9 bacteria/ml. 

Claim 4. (Twice Amended) [A] The method as claimed -in 

claim [1] 9, wherein/ said bacteria are selected from the group 
consisting of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli t 
Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus 
gordonii [or] and Mycobacterium tuberculosis . 

Claim 5. (Twice Amended) [A] The method as claimed in 

claim [1] 9, wherein said bacteria are 

Mycobacterium tuberculosis and said [antibacterial agent] 
antibiotic is rifampicin. 

Claim 6. (Twice Amended) [A] The method as claimed in 

claim [1] 9, wherein said bacteria are Escherichia coli and said 
[antibacterial agent] antibiotic is kanamycin. 

Claim 7 . (Twice Amended) [A] The method as claimed in 

claim [1] 9, wherein said bacteria are Staphylococcus aureus, and 
said [antibacterial agent] antibiotic is ampicillin. 

- A-l - 

"7™ Cla'im"*9" (Twice^Amended) A [process-] method — . — for_ 

assessing the antibacterial activity of a test compound or agent 
or for isolating a compound or agent having antibacterial 
activity against stationary phase bacteria comprising the steps 
of : 

(i) preparing a phenotypically antibiotic-resistant 
subpopulation of stationary phase bacteria according to the 
method [defined in claim 1] comprising at least the steps of : 

(a) growing a bacterial culture - to stationary phase 
to obtain a stationary phase culture; and 

(b) treating the resulting stationary phase culture 
with at least one antibiotic at a concentration and for a time 
sufficient to kill growing bacteria, and selecting a 
phenotypically antibiotic -resistant subpopulation ; 

(ii) incubating a sample of said phenotypically antibiotic 
resistant subpopulation with [one or more] at least one test 
[compounds] compound or [agents] agent ; and 

(iii) assessing any antibacterial effects against said 
phenotypically antibiotic resistant subpopulation^ and 

(iv) isolating a compound or agent exhibiting antibacterial 

Claim 10. (Amended) [A] The method [process for preparing 
an agent - -or compound having, antibacterial activity against 
stationary phase bacteria wherein said agent identified] 
according to [the process defined in] claim 9j_ [is amplified] 
further comprising the step of amplifying the identified agent 
or compound . 

- A-2 -